Este curso escolar 2014/2015 empiezo una nueva aventura con una tutoría de 2º de Primaria. Junto a ellos hemos creado un nuevo blog: http://segundodeprimariavalsequillo.blogspot.com.es/

En cuanto a este blog, pueden seguir usando los recursos que se encuentran en él puesto que seguirá siendo público, pero no actualizaré los enlaces ni añadiré nada nuevo.
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valsequilloclil@gmail.com y estaré encantada de echarles una mano.

Saludos a

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Author(s): Andrew Greeneye, Windy
Songbook: Heaven's Magic Songbook
KeyWords: Thankfulness,

Thank You for my eyes
So I can see the sky
And all the pretty birdies
As they all fly by,
So I can see a rainbow
And watch the sunrise,
Thank You for my eyes.

Thank You for my nose
Which helps me to smell,
And when it's getting close to dinner
I can always tell,
And when I go out walking
How nice the flowers smell,
Thank You for my nose.

Thank You for my mouth
So I can eat my food -
Ummmm, it tastes so yummy,
My Mommy cooks so good.
I can say my "please" and "thank you's"
Like I know I should,
Thank You for my mouth.

Thank You for my ears
That You have given me,
So I can hear my Mommy say,
"I love you - you're so sweet!"
And I can hear the stories
That Daddy reads to me,
Thank You for my ears.

And when I go to bed at night
I say a little prayer,
"Jesus, bless and keep
The little children everywhere,
Help them to be happy,
Keep them in Your care!"
Here's my little prayer.

Thank You for my eyes
Thank You for my nose
Thank You for my mouth
Thank You for my ears

1 comment:

  1. thanks of the song, i´ve got a song too:
    Tear it Down // Camp Star // Lyrics on screen.
