Este curso escolar 2014/2015 empiezo una nueva aventura con una tutoría de 2º de Primaria. Junto a ellos hemos creado un nuevo blog: http://segundodeprimariavalsequillo.blogspot.com.es/

En cuanto a este blog, pueden seguir usando los recursos que se encuentran en él puesto que seguirá siendo público, pero no actualizaré los enlaces ni añadiré nada nuevo.
Si en algún momento necesitan o quieren que actualice algo, me pueden mandar un correo a :
valsequilloclil@gmail.com y estaré encantada de echarles una mano.

Saludos a

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How did the Universe begin? By Stephen Hawking

This is a very difficult video, but some of you have asked me questions about the "Big bang". Enjoy it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

SuperMoon: Lunar Perigee On March 19th

DEAR CHILDREN, LOOK AT THE SKY!!!! You can see a big big big MOON!!!

Read this explanation:

SuperMoon: Lunar Perigee On March 19
By Mark Dunphy

The moon will be at its closest to earth since 1993 on Saturday March 19th next.

The “Lunar Perigee”, or ‘SuperMoon’ as some astrologers refer to it as, is the opposite of the “Lunar Apogee”, when the Moon is furthest from Earth. Generally, the Moon looks about 12-14% larger at its perigee compared to its apogee.

Full moon (19 March) will occur during Lunar Perigee meaning it will look much larger than normal especially when it rises on the eastern horizon at sunset, or given the right atmospheric conditions.